Peer Reflection

Story One

1. Ryan Luck wrote this story.
2. The piece is about helmets while skateboarding.
3. He does not believe helmets are needed for skateboarding. 
4. The other side was not addressed.
5. He was not wishy-washy with his opinion. He stuck to his opinion throughout the entire piece.
6. There are no quotes the story.
7. Ryan wrote in 1st person.

Story Two

1. Karis Duval wrote this story.
2. This piece is about the mental health of students.
3. Karis believes that mental health is a serious issue for students and that it should be acknowledge as a real issue.
4. The other side was not address the other side.
5.Karis was not wishy-washy with their opinion. They stuck with it throughout the entire story.
6. There are no quotes in the story.
7. Karis wrote in 1st person.


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