SNO Online Papers

The Eagle's Eye

Akins Highschool

Trump declares the possible end to DACA program

1. Dee Carson, Staff Writer wrote this article
2. The story is about President Donald Trump ending DACA.
3. "In my view, no, if he was planning for something bigger and better for all the DREAMers, this was the worst way he could have possibly done it, by making people under this program and the people that personally know them worry for their livelihood," Akins High Staff Writer Dee Carson writes.
4. The writer does not address what the other side might think about this topic.
5. The writer was not wishy-washy with their opinion. Throughout the entire story they kept the same opinion with reasons behind it. 
6. There was a quote from Barak Obama and President Donald Trump.
7. This story was written in 1st point of view.

The Maroon
Stephen F. Austin High School

President Corrupts the Feminine Morale

1. Miranda Gershoni, Commentary Editor wrote this article.
2. This article is about President Donald Trump bragging about sexual violence against women.
3. "The fact that an old white man, with more privilege than most humans, can get away with striking disrespect and still come out of it with a large following is embarrassing to our country. The fact that Americans were willing to overlook his behavior and deliberately fail to address the effect it has and will continue to have on Americans is disgusting," Commentary Editor Miranda Gershoni writes.
4. The writer stuck to their opinion and didn't address what the other side might think about this topic.
5. Throughout the entire story the writer stuck to their opinion and did not change it.
6. There was one quote from President Donald Trump.
7. This story was written in 1st point of view.

The Round Up
Clements High School

To Kneel or Not to Kneel

1. Leila Stewart, Sports Editor wrote this story.
2. This story is about how some NFL players refuse to kneel during the National Anthem.
3."My hope for American citizens is not that we all kneel, but that when we each make our own decisions to stand for something, we stand for a country that does not oppress people of color, an administration that does not excuse or to an extent encourage police brutality, and that we stand in respect for a President who condemns white supremacy," sports editor Leila Stewart said.
4. The writer did suggest what the other side may be thinking in the first couple paragraphs, but did not believe that herself.
5. The write stuck to her opinion throughout the entire story.
6. There were no quotes in the story.
7.  The point of view was 1st person.


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