The Car Accident

Who: Roger Clementine, Age 13
          John Jacob Jingleheimer-Smith, Age 91
          Melba Smith, Age 67
What: Got in a car accident
When: September 29, 2017 at 4:45 p.m.
Where: Intersection of First Street and Slaughter Lane
Why: Undetermined
How: Undetermined

Earlier today, two cars collided at the intersection of First Street and Slaughter Lane. Thirteen year old Roger Clementine was going 60 miles per hour while driver John Jacob Jingleheimer-Smith and his wife Melba Smith were going 10 miles per hour.

Roger and Melba got out with some cuts and bruises, unlike John who is in serious condition due to a head injury. Police questioned Clementine after he was released from the hospital.

"I took my uncle's car to go to the skatepark since he said he wouldn't drive me," Clementine said.

Smith's car, a 1989 Yugo Firebelcher, was completely totaled, whilst Clementines car, a 1948 Studebaker, only suffered a crumpled fender.

"I am flabbergasted by this young man's behavior," Melba said. "He did a reckless thing and deserves to be punished for it."

Clementine's uncle claims to have not heard his car being pulled out of the driveway at the time.

"I had just gotten home from a long day at work ad Roger was mad I was too tired to take him to the skatepark," Glen Clementine, Roger's uncle, said. "When I went to my room, I fell fast asleep not hearing him come out and leave the house."

Witnesses say that Roger was driving carelessly and much over the speed limit.

"He was flying down the road, not even caring about what he was doing," witness Julia Jones said. "I was afraid he was going to injure others and himself, which unfortunately happened."

Police say they had gotten a few complaints about Roger's driving and were on the lookout for a crazed driver.

"We got four or five calls from concerned citizens about Clementines driving, none of which indicated he was a thirteen year old boy," Officer Mark Gray said.

As of now, Clementine has been cited for driving without a license, speeding, and driving in the wrong lane.


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