Student of the Month Interview

1. Questions
 1. What is your name?
     The student of the month is Will Grossenbacher.
 2. How old are you?
     He is 14 years of age.
 3. What do you want to do later in life?
     Will either wants to pursue math, science, or being a lawyer for his career later in life.
 4. How did you decide that's what you want to do?
    Mr. Grossenbacher decided these options because he enjoys them and the jobs pay well.
 5. What is your motivation during school?
     His parents award him  for his achievements at school, therefore he uses the awards as a motivation to do well in school.
 6. What advice would you give to others that want to achieve their dream?
     Mr. Will says that to achieve your goal you must work hard and ask for help if you need it.
 7. What is one goal you want to achieve by the end of this year?
    Will wants to achieve good grades throughout the year.
 8.How has being a part of Bowie affected your life today?
Bowie has created Will's life to become more busy with school work. It has also caused him to work really hard on all his school work.
 9.Where do you get your best ideas?
Will gets his best ideas when he is either outside playing basketball or daydreaming.
10.What do you do to push yourself to do your best?
Mr. Grossenbacher uses incentives to push himself to do his best.
 11.When do you know you feel ready for an upcoming test?
Will feels ready for test when he feels confident while studying.
 12.If you could spend a day in someone else's shoes, who would it be and why?
If Will could spend a day in someone's shoes, he would spend a day in President Trump's shoes. He chose Mr. Trump so he can try ti fix things he believe Trump did wrong.
13.What would you say your best subject is in school?
Will says that his best subject in school is World Geography, however he said that it's not his favorite subject.
14.How would you describe Bowie from your prospective?
      "Big," Will says. He also says that Bowie provides him with a positive atmosphere.
 15.What is your weakest subject in school?
Mr. Grossenbacher feels that his weakest subject in school is math because it is a difficult subject for him.
 16.How do you plan on getting better at it?
      He plans on going to FIT classes and tutoring to help him succeed in math class. 
17.Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
      Will hopes to be successful at a law firm in 10 years. 
18.What is the longest time you have studied for in a row before?
      The longest time Will has studied in a row before was 3-4 hours. 
19.How would you describe yourself?
      Mr. Will would describe himself as happy, cool awesome. 
20.What goal do you want to achieve by the end of high school?
By the end of high school, Will hopes to have a drivers license and to be on his way to college.

2. Who else would you interview?
   I would interview two friends of the Student of the Month.


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