News Ethics

A Suspect "Confession"
Summary- John Mark Karr was arrested after confessing to the murder of the young beauty contestant, JonBenet Ramsey. Michael Tracey gained the trust of John Mark over the past four years The two emailed back and forth, till finally, John Mark confessed to the murder of JonBenet Ramsey. Karr was taken into police custody and his DNA was tested, but came back negative. However, he was not freed. Karr was faced with misdemeanor child pornography charges in California.

Opinion- I believe that it is ethically acceptable to break a confidence with your source if you think it would solve a murder and/or protect children half a world away. If the source knows something about the case that is important, it is better to share it, especially if it could save a lot of children's lives. Even if the source told you in confidence, the right thing to do would be to be safe and possibly save lives.

A Media-Savvy Killer
Summary- BTK is a murderer of eight. He has communicated to the police by newspaper, a letters, and even phone calls to local television station, although his main media connection has been with the Eagle. Even people working at the newspaper were DNA tested to see if they were the killer. Desperate times call for desperate measures.

Opinion- I think that the newspaper and other media should try and avoid communications with someone who says they are guilty of multiple sensational crimes. The media should alert the law enforcement authorities in case of this happening. The newspaper should not print anything suspicious looking like that. I think this because it would stop from spreading fake news and/or give the attention the criminal wants.

Using this Process to Craft a Policy
Summary- Recently, reporters have been more open to the idea for sources to review a story before the story comes out. This is because reporters want their information to be more accurate than to be independent and the importance of credibility. Getting a pre-publication review from a source may give the source the feeling of importance from the reporter and therefore enhance the reporter's credibility and reputation. Another reason for a pre-publication review is because it may cause the source to open up more to give the best side of their story to reporters. However, some are worried that the sources will try to change everything the reporter has written to make themselves the spotlight.

Opinion- I believe that in certain circumstances, such as murder cases, the sources should know ONLY what the reporter is writing for their statement. The source's side does matter, however, they should only correct what they said if there was any mistakes. Sources should not have the power to change everything.


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